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Continual knocking sound coming from a front wheel when turning

A worn CV joint is the most likely issue that would cause knocking at full steering lock. What usually happens is a split forms in the CV joint rubber boot which allows the grease to escape and dirt ...
HandyHowie's user avatar
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5 votes

Where is extra fuel consumption in RWD and AWD cars dissipated?

The short, easy answer: heat. That energy is being converted to heat in the driveline components for various reasons. It's important to note that these numbers are aggregates, however, and a really ...
Ehryk's user avatar
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4 votes

Where is extra fuel consumption in RWD and AWD cars dissipated?

Your premise is wrong. The main reasons FWD cars are more commonplace today are: easier assembly: the entire drivetrain goes into the chassis as one complete assembly. unibody construction: FWD cars ...
tlhIngan's user avatar
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4 votes

Where is extra fuel consumption in RWD and AWD cars dissipated?

There is no fundamental reason for RWD to be less fuel efficient than FWD. There are many advantages to FWD, fuel efficiency is not a driver. Most rear drive cars these days are sport(y) , ...
agentp's user avatar
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3 votes

What does "levitate" mean this context?

Bad translation. Not levitate, but DRIFT. I plugged the original Indonesian text into Google Translate and got this result: FWD vehicles are driven via the front wheels, while RWD vehicles are driven ...
MTA's user avatar
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3 votes

Where is extra fuel consumption in RWD and AWD cars dissipated?

It's difficult to reach a conclusive answer, but you're on the right track with the extra mass of a RWD transmission - the propeller shaft taking power to the rear wheels adds some considerable weight....
Gargravarr's user avatar
3 votes

245mm tire on 7.5 inch rim?

From the Michelin website, Latitude X-Ice Xi2 - 245/65R17 107T Rim Width Range (Min - Max) 7.00" - 8.50" so yes, they will work on your 7.5 inch wide rims.
the_storyteller's user avatar
1 vote

Is gravel under lower control arm joint a problem?

Yes, that can be a problem. Clean it out. The stones will interfere with the operation of the suspension components and could possibly accelerate wear and tear.
jwh20's user avatar
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CV joint broken after brake repair, related?

That is, sadly, coincidence. The rear brake work did not involve touching the front wheels or drive shafts at all. The most that would happen was suspension movement depending on the type of lift or ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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GL-4 or GL-5 for gearbox oil replacement?

Generally, fuel economy improves slightly with API improvements. The main improvement in GL-5 is its extreme pressure protection, which in theory might help fuel economy. You should most definitely ...
Carguy's user avatar
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