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How to convert a gasoline powered vehicle to all electric

Congratulations on realizing the benefits and fun of an all electric vehicle. I am always excited to see someone wanting to convert! A budget of $3500 is pretty limiting especially considering ...
Wynand du Plessis's user avatar
4 votes

What PC Van stands for?

PC stands for "Passenger Car(s)" ... in this case, Renault Tech is taking a Passenger Car and doing a conversion on it to what you're seeing in the video. Here is some Renault literature (pg ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
3 votes

What size Ford Transit van would accommodate a double bed, shower and cooking area?

Here's an article showing two wheel bases and 3 body styles with different interior cargo heights, from 55.8", 72" and 81.5" I imagine the bigger ones are more costly, but would definitely feel more ...
CrossRoads's user avatar
3 votes

clutch flywheel

Generally with parts like this you will find only OEM parts and possible some high-performance units, which are likely more expensive than the OEM ones. Have you checked local junkyards or EBAY for a ...
jwh20's user avatar
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Good car for full electric conversion

You could consider a rear engined vehicle such as the MR2 or MG TF. You then wouldn't have to worry about steering or the wasted space of the drive shafts. You could even have direct drive which would ...
Newbie Noob's user avatar
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School bus conversion to Electric

Diesel is not going to die in heavy vehicles. There is no other option. Large diesel engines are very energy efficient, and diesel has a much larger energy density than batteries. Also, cleaning the ...
juhist's user avatar
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2 votes

What size Ford Transit van would accommodate a double bed, shower and cooking area?

According to Wikipedia, the standard size parking space in the UK is 2.4m by 4.8m, so if you want to fit in one you'll need a SWB - but you may well find that's too short for your needs. I'd go for a ...
Nick C's user avatar
  • 28.9k
1 vote

Need help with A-C Motor wiring

For 115v operation - You should have a pair of wires going to the existing motor. Connect one of the wires to a terminal with the black, white and yellow wires. Connect the other to a terminal with ...
HandyHowie's user avatar
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Need help with A-C Motor wiring

The diagram on the new motor seems pretty self-explanatory. I am assuming a 120 Vac mains voltage. Use the connections shown for "Lo Volt" wiring. Swap the indicated leads if the motor ...
Dwayne Reid's user avatar
1 vote

What is the modern equivalent of Soviet tire size 65-405 (2.50-16)?

From what I'm seeing, the 2.50-16 is the current size. Doesn't look like there's a large selection out there but you can find them. They are shown as a front tire. A Google search for "motorcycle ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
1 vote

School bus conversion to Electric

It's certainly feasible, but whether it's cost effective is another matter. Electric buses are readily available, and becoming more common in European cities, while trolleybuses (buses powered by ...
Nick C's user avatar
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1 vote

How much movement is normal in sealed brake master cylinder?

Yes, this is normal, if you ever rebuilt a MC you will see there are springs behind the cups on the pistons, when installed in the car and properly bled you will get about half the distance or a ...
Moab's user avatar
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Good car for full electric conversion

There are many different enthusiast groups that have done this stuff. Here are a couple that jump to the front of my mind: White Zombie (Oregon, USA) Green Monster (Croatia) Haven’t been able to ...
kyle_engineer's user avatar

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