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2000 Lexus ES300 Knock Sensor code P0325 P0330

Just in case anyone else runs into this situation. Do not buy aftermarket parts or what are claimed to be OEM compatible parts for your Lexus. At least not electrical signal parts. I purchased two ...
IzPrEE's user avatar
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Can low fluid levels cause a knock sensor to become faulty?

Yes, it is possible that low fluid levels can cause sensors to fail prematurely. One of the purposes of the fluid is to remove heat and if the sensor is then left to get too warm or overheated it can ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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is it safe to unplug Knock Sensor for 1 day?

tl dr: Not a good idea. Two things: You can check to see if the knock sensor is going crazy through the ECU, so why disconnect the knock sensor to see? Disconnecting it will not give you any direct ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
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What will happen if the knock sensor fails?

Most knock sensors in use today are microphones. The most common sensor type is a piezoelectric crystal type. Failure is detected by: 1 Testing the circuit during a power on self test. 2) watching for ...
Fred Wilson's user avatar
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Here's the diagnostic procedure for a P0328 code from the FSM for the 2002 Subaru Forester. I believe it covers everything. Replacing the knock sensor is trivial, and a new one costs about $75. The ...
PeteCon's user avatar
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Does no CEL after lugging engine indicate bad knock sensors?

Knocking will not necessarily cause a CEL. The knock sensor is there to inform the ECU that the engine is knocking, and then the ECU will deal with the knocking. Knocking will on trip the CEL if the ...
tlhIngan's user avatar
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