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OBD MIL commanded status and DTC stored

Not all DTC's will activate the CEL It is up to the manufacturer whether or not to trigger the Check Engine Light based on the Diagnostic Trouble Code, so a misfire DTC is not the treated with the ...
Zaid's user avatar
  • 39.2k
4 votes

Should I be concerned about these cracks on the giubo?

Absolutely. Remember what I wrote about stress risers. It doesn't matter if it's metal or rubber, the stress riser will behave the same. This is the beginning stages of wearing out. It won't be long, ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
1 vote

What will happen if the knock sensor fails?

Most knock sensors in use today are microphones. The most common sensor type is a piezoelectric crystal type. Failure is detected by: 1 Testing the circuit during a power on self test. 2) watching for ...
Fred Wilson's user avatar
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What are instant failure reasons for an older (not old-timer) automobile?

Well, there's a few things: alternator dies: you will be running on battery only until that drains (usually 20 minutes), and then game over (I had this happen) distributor rotor snaps: another ...
tlhIngan's user avatar
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When does it make sense to replace a camshaft?

I drove a an old car for 1/2 hour to my urgent destination. It was losing power but I didn't know why. It turned out to be losing water and overheated. The camshaft snapped shortly before I arrived ...
Level River St's user avatar

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