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4 votes

Volvo rear door panel parts

Is this the part? Available from Volvo. Not sure if it is the correct year or trim level or correct side, but you can just edit those selections. Part number 12 from this page.
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3 votes

Mustang 2015 v4

It gets pretty hot here in the USA too. The highest recorded temperature in Saudi Arabia was 52.0C in Jeddah. The highest temperature ever recorded in the world was here in the USA in Death Valley, ...
MTA's user avatar
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2 votes

Does center bore difference of 0.06mm matter?

If you take into account the width of a human hair is ~.04-.12mm, your .04mm is not a lot of difference. If you take some fine grit sandpaper (in the 200-300 grit arena) or a Scotchbrite pad and run ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
1 vote

Volvo V40 Immobilizer

The key(s) will need programming to the car using a diagnostic scanner or key programer. Technically the cars ECU or immobiliser module needs to be programmed to match the keys rather than the keys ...
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