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Mustang 2015 v4

Dears, I have a Ford Mustang V4. and I live in Saudi Arabia, and the weather is very hot. Ford recommends full synthetic oil, 5w30, and some engineers here say that it is not suitable for our climate, ...
Jedo 's user avatar
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Volvo rear door panel parts

I misplaced this part and I don't know it's name. What's the name? Any good eBay store to find it?
John Mutuma's user avatar
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2001 Volvo V40 2.0T producing excess smoke with other issues

Firstly, I pulled these error codes from the ECU: 0139,0131,0172,0107 My V40 2.0T with aftermarket LPG conversion is putting out a significant amount of smoke at quite specific moments. Before this ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 votes
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Volvo V40 Immobilizer

I bought a 02 V40. It is just a regular driver when I got it. The previous owner had lost the keys and the fob. So I have ordered a factory cylinder and key replacement. I had already removed and ...
Terry Rae Patterson's user avatar
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Does center bore difference of 0.06mm matter?

Recently I ordered a set of alloy wheels for my Volvo V40 MY 2015 which has a center bore 63.4. I noticed only now that there is a slight difference in the center bore (everything else is precisely ...
kubek's user avatar
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