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why Buick Park Avenue blowing hot air on drivers side?

Could have freaked out the HVAC actuators . You could try to have the actuators re-homed at a dealership or any shop that has a Tech 2 scanner on hand . If this dose not fix the issue look for codes ...
Jp Woodard's user avatar
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Missing Vin number Doors replaced

I can't find a diagram for the Buick, but most vehicles I've dealt with have had a plate somewhere in the engine bay (usually either the inner wing, the rear panel or the slam panel above the grille) ...
Nick C's user avatar
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Idle drop in 1991 Buick Park Avenue

If it has a MAF sensor, check the connection from the MAF to the intake manifold. If there is a leak, it will be sucking air past the MAG (unmeasured air) and the car will be running very lean. A ...
Con FUse's user avatar
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