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What advances in material technology, have made serpentine belts last longer?

This article on serpentine belts says: "Vehicle manufacturers recommend inspection and replacement of the serpentine belt between 60k and 90k miles. Advances in material technology allow some ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
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What is the clutch life of a DSG gearbox?

I have a car with the VAG 7-speed dry clutch DSG gearbox, which is a preselect automatic gearbox with two drive shafts and two clutches. The clutches started to squeal on taking up the drive, and to ...
Weather Vane's user avatar
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Does the alignment problem cause uneven tread wear in my case?

2002 Camry LE, 4 cylinder, Michelin premier a/s performance h/v purchased in 2017, 60,000 mile tread wear warranty. The tread reaches the end of the life only after 33,000 miles, and the tread wear is ...
bobby_yan's user avatar
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Is clutch bearing wear still an issue with modern manual cars?

Decades ago I was told repeatedly to press the clutch pedal in manual cars for as short a moment as reasonable, since prolonged clutch disengagement leads to excessive wear of the clutch bearing, ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Jeep Patriot 2016 brake light whistle sound

When I brake I hear a light whistle sound every time unless a step on the brake harder then the sound goes away. When I drive normally I do not hear anything (unless I start lightly braking). Not sure ...
Michael's user avatar
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Manual VS Automatic Transmissions Suitability

On weekends I do deliveries. I make over 150+ stops, short distances apart and engage gears 1/2/3 and reverse during every stop. Which transmission setup would be best suited for such a scenario? ...
Dave1UK's user avatar
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Does tire size or vehicle weight affect needed minimum tread depth?

Where I live, summer tires are required by law to have 1.6 mm minimum tread depth, and winter tires 3 mm. However, a general recommendation is that summer tires should have 4 mm tread for optimal ...
juhist's user avatar
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Audi Q5 2012 2.0l shaking and noise

I have a 2012 Audi Q5. Recently soon as I reach 120kmh the car starts shaking like you can feel the steering wheel and the whole car shaking like its about to fall apart. I took it to a mechanic he ...
Amine's user avatar
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If I use synthetic/food safe grease will my front end loader or backhoe have excessive wear?

I have a small tractor with a frontend loader and backhoe that gets used near our house's well and natural creeks/drainage areas. I wouldn't mind paying the premium for synthetic grease to try and ...
STW's user avatar
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Will regular slamming of car doors cause damage during the lifetime of the vehicle?

How long would door slamming take to affect the regular functioning of the vehicle in any way, and are there any ways to find how many door slams a door for a particular individual make/model can take ...
stevec's user avatar
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