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Motercycle won't start after spraying WD40 in fuel line

I own a 2011 Honda CBR 250r MC41 which was sitting idle for a couple of weeks, if started flawlessly except it won't idle at 1.5K and died after a few seconds. So, I tightened loose air box hose clamp ...
Caesar's user avatar
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Does driving a car economically damage the engine?

I have a Honda Vezel, which is available only in Japan. The closest (very close) equivalent is the 2016 Honda HRV. It has a 1.5 i-VTEC engine (whatever that means) and a CVT gearbox. The shift has ...
u936293's user avatar
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How EFI works? How is it connected to the accelerator padel? [closed]

I want to completely understand how EFI works. Moreover, how and in what form it receives the message from the accelerator pedal. I specifically want to learn how it is implemented in Honda sedans ...
Umair Mansoor's user avatar
7 votes
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Warm fuel injected engine stutters when accelerating

I have a 1994 Honda Concerto 1.5l gasoline car, fuel injected. When the engine is cold there are no accleration problems. But once it warms up it stutters if I step hard on the gas. When it does ...
ssimm's user avatar
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Honda civic '97 crank, no start. Once started, drives fine

So over the weekend when I tried starting my car up with the fuel running from reserve (I know, times are tough), it didn't crank. We tried kick starting it, nothing. My neighbour went to get some ...
pythonian29033's user avatar