I am assuming torx key and star tip key are the same thing.
I bought a torx key set from leyland to undo some torx screws on car however they did not work. Mechanic then used a ratchet with torx extensions and it did unscrew.
I’m assuming the ones I bought from leyland were not designed for cars but maybe bikes or wardrobes etc.
I was going to buy another torx key set from an auto parts store( https://www.eurocarparts.com/p/am-tech-9pc-l-type-torx-key-553980720?type=shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvYvhhPjH6wIVB-ztCh0iPQFuEAQYAiABEgIMKPD_BwE) however they are awfully cheap like the leyland product. I note that torx set at Halfords is 4 times the price.
- Why didn’t they leyland ones work?
- Will the linked item be ok for cars or do I need to get the expensive one from Halfords? What’s different about the keys that it will work for car or not.
Note this is not a shopping questions more about how to know I am getting an automotive torx key I.e do I base it on price or how can I know since the leyland one didnt work.