If a calliper sticks, is this always caused by the calliper itself malfunctioning or can it be caused by something other than the calliper ?
Meaning if a calliper is sticking intermittently and the calliper is replaced with a new and it still continues to intermittently stick, is this just bad luck to have got another crap calliper or is there another possibility for it continuing to stick outside of the calliper itself.
Reason I ask, is for as long as I can remember my car has pulled left/right/left/right.... and despite multiple wheel alignments and checks nobody could/can figure it out.
Last week while driving my passengers front wheel started smoking and there was a burning smell. When I took it to the garage they told me I needed to replace both front callipers and brake pads and discs.
I did this and for a short while the car wasn't pulling much, then all of a sudden its went back to behaving like it did before... but its two new callipers ?
I will regularly get out the car to check both wheels to see how hot they are and one will always be hotter than the other and whatever side is hottest that trye will be sitting about 1/2 psi higher.... if I check later on in the drive the other side will be sitting higher and vice versa.
when I slam the brakes on, it sometimes pulls one way and pulls the other way at other times.