On my '09 Chevy Traverse, the windshield washer pump stopped working on both the front and back. I first checked for fuses. There was one in the fuse block under the hood, that one looked good. I found another under the dash on the passenger side (what a PITA to get at). That one was blown. I replaced that one and now the rear works. When I try the front, I hear a click (a relay?) but nothing else happens. Any idea if there is another fuse somewhere label incorrectly or where I should look next?
2 Answers
So I replaced my pump... and it still didn't work. After doing some more looking I discovered that I read the fuse map wrong and put the fuse in the wrong spot. After putting it in the right spot it started to work. Since I know you can't take used electronic parts back, I just kept it in and kept the old one.
BTW, to get at the pump, you have to remove the wheel and open up the wheel well.
Is it possible the pump is seized? This could also cause the fuses to blow.
I am not ruling it out, but I don't want to take it to the shop to find out that it was a fuse. $50 fuses get spendy quick. Commented Jan 29, 2013 at 15:39
Do you know how to jump your pump, and bypass? That's the easy way of checking. 12V battery can do it. Commented Jan 31, 2013 at 3:58