My 06 Dodge Stratus (4 cylender) is showing a P0507 off of the Torque app. My idle is sitting at near 1100 rpm versus the standard 800.
I read up on the code and started looking for a vaccum leak with a lenght of tubing and an unlit propane torch. Nothing showed up.
I started back looking at Torque and noticed my "fuel trim bank 1 sensor 2" is consistently at 99.2%
I tried reving the engine in both park and neutral and I start getting a noticible shimmy at about 3,500 rpm. I can't get it any higher. Just a few months ago I could easily make it to 4500.
At the same time it starts to shimmy the fuel trim bank 1 sensor 1 drops to exactly 0%.
Where should I next look for the underlying problem?
Thanks for the responses. I ended up cleaning the air intake valve, replacing the map filter (filthier then I would have expected), both of which helped with the idle significantly.
I started looking at the PVC valve and some *** had stuck its line to a mounting nub on the case. No vaccum leak since it was technically sealed up. Moved it back where it belongs and she is running better then new.
Thanks again for everones input here. Much appreciated when I cant trust the local shop.
I wil never going back to that Firestone again. Their courtesy inspection broke one sensor (literally snapped the tip off my intake air temperature sensor), caused a flat tire and triggered this error code. Plus I'm pretty sure they intentionally loosened one of my tie rod ends.