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Reverse flow head vs Cross flow head

Wikipedia says that Cross Flow cylinder heads induct the charge better because the gases doesn't have to change direction from intake to exhaust. Thus the higher inertia of flow of gas in one ...
Abhishek P G's user avatar
9 votes
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3 rings vs 4 rings pistons: which design is better?

The engine I'm rebuilding (Skoda Estelle/120, 70's, RWD, rear mounted engine) was manufactured with two different pistons, depending the fabrication years: one piston kind has 4 rings and a cut from ...
Aram Alvarez's user avatar
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Why don't all diesel engines have throttle plates?

I learned recently that many older and some newer diesels don't have throttle plates to control airflow. I was also quite shocked to learn about a condition called diesel engine runaway. Apparently ...
DucatiKiller's user avatar