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What causes imbalance in vapor seen between dual exhaust tail pipes?

I noticed that most vehicles in the Winter do not have the same amount of vapor coming out of both exhaust pipes. I understand that some exhausts are not true duel exhaust therefore presume that this ...
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9 votes
3 answers

3 rings vs 4 rings pistons: which design is better?

The engine I'm rebuilding (Skoda Estelle/120, 70's, RWD, rear mounted engine) was manufactured with two different pistons, depending the fabrication years: one piston kind has 4 rings and a cut from ...
Aram Alvarez's user avatar
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Why don't all diesel engines have throttle plates?

I learned recently that many older and some newer diesels don't have throttle plates to control airflow. I was also quite shocked to learn about a condition called diesel engine runaway. Apparently ...
DucatiKiller's user avatar