On my car roof, the edge seal is missing from one side:

Missing edge seal

This is the other side for comparison:

Normal edge seal

I live in a country where it rains but never snows. Is this something to worry about?

  • Both sides look the same to me.
    – jwh20
    Commented Sep 19, 2021 at 19:41
  • 1
    To my knowledge the part which goes on top of there is for the most part just there for aesthetics, And ... did you put the same image in there twice? Commented Sep 19, 2021 at 19:49
  • @Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 Oops, I fixed it.
    – hb20007
    Commented Sep 19, 2021 at 20:25
  • @jwh20, you're right, I updated the image.
    – hb20007
    Commented Sep 19, 2021 at 20:25
  • 1
    Still, it's just a beauty strip. Not going to leak if that's what you're worried about? Commented Sep 19, 2021 at 20:29

1 Answer 1


No problem. If you want, you can seal that shown hairline crack with a paint repair stick to prevent water ingress. Nail polish should also do the trick

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