98 kota 3.9Okay here's a question I wrecked my truck and I was in the middle of a build putting three alternators on After I wrecked truck I tried to crank it and it cranked just fine twice to move it for the tow truck guy.. had it towed home, now I'm done with the build and when I go to crank the truck it sounds like there's a bucket of bolts being slung around in the engine.
There were no problems what does starter or anything a friend told me to replace the starter that was the problem so I did. still having the problem though from the accident I replaced everything up to the fan... Grill condenser radiator fan shroud. Damage didn't go past the shroud and did not damage the band blade what the hell could be making this noise it sounds terrible when I try to crank it and it will not crank and the belt is wrapped correctly nothing is binding or too tight
I need some suggestions or ideas ASAP
Video - https://youtu.be/iWYIs5kbbWE