I know that you can get a static shock when exiting your car after driving for a while from the friction on the seat. However I do have my car for several years and since a week or so I am starting to get static shocks for the first time ever (no change in clothes, seats, shoes or whatever).
I am not talking about the usual uncomfortable shock like you typically get rubbing a balloon or whatever, when I touch the metal part of my car with direct skin contact of my hand my lower arm becomes numb for a few seconds and the "zap" is so loud it can be heard meters away.
In addition I was also absolutely surprised that I can even cause the arc to happen when I touch the car with my jacket only and not even with my skin, there is like half an inch of fabric and I can still feel a tickle on my skin where the jacket touches the metal part.
My question boils down to: Is this really just regular static discharge that happens to occur out of nowhere after a few years or could this be something else? Touching the car again afterwards is not shocking, so there is definitely only a temporary difference in potential that is equalized with the first touch...