I had the fortune of having a substantially sized rock land on my right headlight while driving my MY2007 XC90 on the highway, which ended up cracking the headlight and punching a small hole in it. Since both headlights are really faded, I thought I should change both of them and perhaps refresh the look of the car a bit by fitting the projector style headlights.
My concerns are in regards to the wiring, the plugs and also whether or not the fact that my car does not come with bending lights is of any importance. Hopefully it's plug 'n' play.
Edit: I am not interested in having the bending lights feature functional as long as I retain previous functionality which, to the extent of my knowledge, means automatic leveling and the fact that the low beam reflector points upwards when full beams are switched on.
To be clear, the current headlights, even though they use reflectors, are the factory equiped, OEM HID units.
So, would the projector headlights fit?
I basically want to go from these:
to these: