I am in the process of painting some plastic parts(fog light cover) on my Toyota Camry. I started with sanding the plastic to prepare it for the primer layer and while doing that, in some areas I reached the actual plastic below the original paint layer.
When I started applying the primer, at first it looked fine but very quickly I noticed that it started to lift in some areas. Initially I thought that it was simply too much primer but then I noticed that the lifting occurs exactly on the edges of the sanded areas. Below is a picture I took after sanding the initial lifted primer and applying some actual paint to see if that's gonna make any difference (it didn't).
Hopefully the image is clear enough and you can see how the paint has lifted exactly around the areas where the paint was completely sanded off and the actual plastic became exposed.
Any idea how that can be avoided/fixed?
Currently I am thinking of applying some spray putty to create an additional layer that hopefully won't lift so I can properly apply the primer and paint on top of it.