A while back I crashed the bike, and I've been doing it up in piecemeal fashion. When I came to replace the scratched handlebar weights, I found the internal bar had snapped, at the location of the blue arrow on the picture.
The remaining portion of the bar didn't hold the shiny new weight - the weight would loosen and fall out whilst riding. So I purchased a whole new bar.
Old vs New Internal Weight Bar
Seems simple enough, but I've found the new bar doesn't fit. It's too long. It sticks out by about an inch.
But it's the same length as the old bar? Yes.
So I tried the old bar back in, and that doesn't fit either. Now that makes no sense, because it obviously fitted before the crash.
There is nothing stuck up inside the hollow of the handlebar.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Either explain what might be happening, or suggest a fix, or suggest what might be wrong?