A while ago, my car started making clicking noises when I made sharp turns at low speed, at a rate clearly dependent on speed (about 5 clicks/sec at 5 km/h).
Today, as I was driving, I started hearing clicking noises while coasting downhill, though at a lower rate (relative to speed; about 5 clicks/sec at 50 km/h). This was only audible when taking my foot off the gas, not when accelerating or going at constant speed.
As I parked my car, there were repeated popping noises as I turned the steering wheel (car being stationary). The latter sounded similar to what I’d heard three years earlier, back then it was a bad CV joint. OTOH, back then I had noticed the steering wheel vibrating and the car starting to pull to one side unless I countersteered, neither of which I am experiencing now.
It’s a 2005 Audi A4 quattro.
Are these symptoms consistent with a bad CV joint? Are there any risks if I continue to drive until the my local repair shop has time to look at it?