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Is this an original battery for a 2010 VW Golf6?

Can someone tell me if the folowing battery could be the original for a 2010 VW Golf 6. And what is the production date?
mvaculisteanu's user avatar
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How could a battery issue lead failures in ABS, Cruise control, stop-start, etc?

We have a 2014 VW Golf (diesel automatic) and recently we have started getting sporadic "christmas tree" errors when starting it. A few seconds after starting the engine, we get error after error ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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3 answers

Volkswagen golf 6 won't start after battery replacement

I have a Golf 6 which stayed in the garage for 6 months untouched. I knew the battery was dead so I replaced it with a Golf 4 battery. After a few keys the engine coughed a couple of times, then the ...
Alexandru Apostu's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Electrical problem 2001 VW Golf: intermittent battery failure?

(This is my first question here so let me know if it is off-topic or not enough info provided, or otherwise inappropriate for the forum and I will delete it) I have a 2001 VW Golf which has started ...
spring's user avatar
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