There a a lot of articles about viscosity, but I cant find clearly, do I lose anything when I use 0w30 instead of 5w30?
In my climate winter temperatures usually doesn't fall below -20 degrees celsius, but it is possibility to have few nights at -26 or -27 degrees. At summer temperatures can get as high as +35 - +37degrees celsius.
For a car that does about 10000 kilometers per year I change oil once a year. So I am wondering is it OK to put 0w30 oil instead of 5w30? Or should I put 5w30? Oil price does not make difference to me.
I am sure a car will benefit from 0w30 oil at winter times, but how about this oil in summer time? When checking temperature ranges for different oil viscosities it seems it only differs at the bottom temperature -30 degrees for 0w30 and -25 degrees for 5w30. And the top temperature is the same. But in some articles it says one is thicker than another.