This afternoon, I left my 2012 VW Beetle 2.0T idle for a few minutes at a gas station, and it showed a hot coolant temperature warning; the sensor was reading 195F. It was an unusually warm day for this time of year (80-85F), though not the warmest it’s ever been put through.
Problem is, the oil temperature gauge read a solid 215-225F at the time, which is normal for that engine. For that reason, I felt comfortable driving it back home (~1.5mi). The oil temperature did not rise after the warning. Fans are also working fine.
About 4 hours later, I decided to check in on the car, only to be greeted with the same warning - though the coolant temperature was lower, at 110F. I started the engine (whose oil temperature was way under 200F), and the coolant temperature reading rose again to 195F in under a minute. (So I think the pump is working fine)
Coolant levels are way above minimum and there’s nothing obviously wrong under the hood. Of note was some bubbling near the coolant reservoir inlet when I went to check the car for the second time - though I did open the cap (with a rag on top, obviously) and it turns out that I could have very well done it bare handed.
I have no idea what this could be (especially since the sensor reads were consistent), so any input at all is appreciated.