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Apr 28 at 1:43 comment added computercarguy I just went out and double checked the battery cable connections at the battery, and they are solid. I cleaned them again and made sure there's plenty of metal to metal connection, and there's no difference, unfortunately. Unfortunately, I'm tired, so I'm done for the day. The thing is that the starter motor doesn't even seem to try unless the jump pack is connected. I'd figure it would do something, anything, even on the battery if the connection was weak.
Apr 28 at 0:44 comment added Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 Like I was trying to state, the jumper cables may not be providing the same amount (or enough) energy to do what the jumper pack is. Still, this seems to me to go back to an issue with the connection to the battery itself (ie: main starter cables for the car).
Apr 28 at 0:33 comment added computercarguy I'll check that out, but I've connected the jumper cables to the battery just like the jump pack, and the jumper cables still don't work.
Apr 28 at 0:31 history answered Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 CC BY-SA 4.0