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97 manual ford ranger throwing a camshaft position sensor code
WeveWe've replaced the computer. Senor, sensor and timing belt(not sure of we did it right) relays. Relays are good. Truck will fire, stay running for about 30 seconds then bog down & die
97 manual ford ranger throwing a camshaft position sensor
Weve replaced the computer. Senor, timing belt(not sure of we did it right) relays are good. Truck will fire stay running for about 30 seconds then bog down & die
97 manual ford ranger throwing a camshaft position sensor code
We've replaced the computer, sensor and timing belt(not sure of we did it right). Relays are good. Truck will fire, stay running for about 30 seconds then bog down & die
97 manual ford ranger throwing a camshaft position sensor
Weve replaced the computer. Senor, timing belt(not sure of we did it right) relays are good. Truck will fire stay running for about 30 seconds then bog down & die