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GdD's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
56 votes

Accidentally left car idling for 14 hours. What are possible consequences from this?

48 votes

Dealership says European cars need rotors replaced with every pad change because they use softer metals in rotors

40 votes

Is it possible for a vehicle to be manufactured without a catalytic converter?

39 votes

Is the driver's door supposed to unlock from inside?

29 votes

Do mobile air conditioners exist for cars?

28 votes

I drove on a dirt road rougher than my car was designed for

26 votes

Would it be harder to install a new AC system if the old one is ripped out already for a long time?

24 votes

Does kicking a tire off your car from underneath it while it's held up by a stable jack pose safety threats?

24 votes

My (manual) transmission won't engage any gear 1 day after escaping bog

24 votes

Tried to use cig lighter in my 12 volt plug now charger won’t work

21 votes

Do I need to take an electric vehicle to a specialist repair shop?

21 votes

What is most fuel efficient at 130km/h?

19 votes

Why is my car losing control and vibrating

16 votes

Should I accept this help in fixing a 1" hole in my radiator?

14 votes

Vibration at speeds between 40-47mph

13 votes

How to keep a car with manual transmission from rolling downhill when parking on a sloped surface?

13 votes

Fuel gauge very slow to come up after filling - anything to worry about?

13 votes

What are the advantages of a dealer-installed hitch?

13 votes

For safety, must one have the vehicle's engine turned off before attaching A/C manifold gauge sets to top off the A/C system?

12 votes

My 2016 Chevrolet Spark started making a noise at high speeds, but then stopped. Is it safe to drive?

12 votes

What are these hoses that are sticking out?

12 votes

What do I need to do to keep my car healthy during an extended period of minimal use

11 votes

Is it possible to remove a rear door handle from the outside?

11 votes

Can one slightly charge a dead car battery with a portable battery jump kit?

10 votes

What does the green clock sign mean?

10 votes

What do you do when brand new pads are rubbing on new rotor? It smokes and smells so bad and it seems like it is going to catch on fire

10 votes

Motorcycle's electrical system and starter work after sitting for years, but engine won't run

10 votes

MOT work (is this vehicle in need of welding?)

10 votes

If my brakes are making a metal on metal noise, it is pretty much guaranteed I should replace my rotors along with my brake pads?

9 votes

I put Adblu in radiator coolant tank in Peugeot Boxer 435 Onnicar

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