I have a 2006 Dodge Stratus 2.4.  I can't enable cruise control, meaning I cannot turn it on using the switch on the steering wheel. Given that I can't turn it on, I can't set a speed either.

Update: the problem is intermittent; **very rarely** I can press the on/off switch and the cruise control will turn on. If it does turn on, after 3-5 seconds, it turns back off. Setting a speed does not work 99% of the time. If it does get set, the cruise control will turn off again anyway after a few seconds.

Here's what I've checked so far:

 - Fuses [All Good]
 - Cruise Control Servo [No apparent damage]
 - Electrical connection to CC servo [No corrosion and not loose]
 - Throttle cable to server [Tension is good and no damage]
 - *Will check brake light switch and update*
 - *Will check CC switch on steering wheel for corrosion and update*.
 - *Will check clock spring and update*

From there, I'm not sure where to go next. Does anyone have any ideas on how to properly troubleshoot my cruise control?