The other day my wife was driving the car when it lost much of its power and she described loosing power on the left side of the car. To the point that she checked the tires for punctures. This was followed by a "thunderous" engine noise. 

The rac picked it up and could not find a fault on the computer so brought it home. 

Now: I have looked at it today and found the following. 

When I turn it over the engine it makes a deeper sound than normal also when running in idle.

When I put it in gear and engage the clutch a metallic tapping (very loud) get progressively worse as I bring it up but only appears at the bite point. 

No noise when putting up in neutral. 

The noise seems to be coming from the centre right of the car. I thought it might be the drive shaft or one of the cv's. I inspected the right shaft and there is not excessive play. The behavior is the same with wheels on full lock or straight.

Finally I did have a starter motor replaced and the gear selector adjusted very recently.(2weeks ago)

I'm going to check the other shaft now. My thought is that if it has failed then this may have caused the loss in power on the left side and where it plugs into the transmission may be the cause of the tapping in gear. 

Any advice most welcome. I'm not an expert with cars but will generally try to fix what I can reach easily.