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7 votes
1 answer

Headlight and dome light flickers

My car's headlight and dome light flickers when the car is started, but when the car is already moving light is working fine. Other lights works fine, though I wasn't able to check the tail lights and ...
jjz's user avatar
  • 193
5 votes
2 answers

2000 Honda Accord - Attempts to start cause lights to go out with no clicking and fails to start

I tried to start my car less than a minute after turning it off last night and it wouldn't turn over... it wouldn't even click. I tried a few times and then let it rest. After a 30 minute phone call ...
Byron DelSignore's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is it Possible to Control Lights through OBD-II Port?

Is it possible to use a car's onboard diagnostic port to toggle the headlights, interior lights, or parking lights? If not through the OBD-II port, how would I go about remotely toggling the lights on ...
Matthew's user avatar
  • 193
3 votes
0 answers

Stubborn rear fog light (BMW E46)

The rear fog light in my BMW E46 2001 is broken. Obviously, I first tried replacing the bulb itself, but the old bulb was still fine. I tried with a new bulb anyway, but the light didn't work. I ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Troubleshooting Trailer Lights

I have checked the connection on the truck and all are working fine but when the trailer is hooked up I have turn signals and running lights but no brake lights and with the running lights on I press ...
David's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
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Problem switching in new dome lights in the front

I'm trying to install these multi-color dome lights, I successfully installed the right side, but when I tried to install on the left side, the left one won't work. The product is not the issue, I ...
user2246387's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can't recognise or open these custom motorcycle lights

The previous owner of my Honda Hornet 900 was a brilliant mechanic but a terrible electrician. They added some extra lights that are beautifully fitted but wired illegally. There's a basic switch on ...
parsley72's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

2003 Buick Century Right Turn Signal Stuck when dark out, car dies when left gets used

I have a 2003 Buick Century and whenever it is dark out my car turns my lights on automatically upon turning the car on, the right blinker stays solid. This has been going on for a while but now when ...
Kendall Farrington Jr's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

I have a BMW E30 the check light for brake & registration comes on & bulbs are all OK

BMW E30 Convertible check light for brake & registration coming on to indicate that the bulbs are blown but all bulbs are correct and not blown
m spear's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
1 answer

Motorbike has no power, but kick start works

First up the motorcycle in question is a Skyteam V-Retro 250 (V-Raptor in some countries). On the way home last night I noticed that my tail lights weren't working so I bought a new bulb like I had ...
Myshkin's user avatar
  • 33
3 votes
1 answer

Radio lights are on

I have a 2001 Chrysler Sebring and when I turn my car off the radio still glows with the time and CD that's playing, is that normal?
Courtney's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Brake lights and turn signals don't work (but head and tail lights do) on 1998 Ford Expedition

A friend of ours just bought a 1998 Ford Expedition. Not working: Hazard flashers Turn signals Brake lights However, head and tail lights both work when they're turned on. We tested the brake ...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Correct behavior of 2001 Prelude front side markers when hazards on

I am attempting to diagnose a fairly insidious electrical issue in a 2001 Honda Prelude SH. My question is: With the ignition off and the headlights off, but the hazard switch on, what should the ...
Jason C's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why do cars still use mechanical blinker relays?

I think the electronic relays may be cheaper; and having less moving parts they are theoretically less prone to break. So, why do cars still use mechanical relays for turning lights?
sergiol's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Brake lights don't illuminate until pedal is pressed by about 5-10mm

2003 Opel Agila My brake lights do not light up until I have pushed the pedal down by about 1cm. If I rest my foot on the brake pedal, with the brakes applied a little bit then the brake lights do ...
George's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

backup lights stay on in park and switch off

I am working on a 2003 ford explorer sport trac.The backup lights stay on and I have to remove the fuse to turn them off.
david's user avatar
  • 71
5 votes
3 answers

Mini Cooper 2003 - Identify rear indicator light wiring to install LED resistor

So off the back of a previous question, I need to install a resister to my cluster in order for the LEDs in the indicators to work properly and not hyper flash. Here is an image of the wiring that I ...
Andy Holmes's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Peculiar Interior Lighting Issue

Recently a friend of mine was driving a VW Fox (not new, I'm not sure what year but it was certainly 5+ years old) home in the dark with the lights on. Strangely, after a minute or two of driving all ...
Max Goodridge's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Does (forcefully) overriding the self-canceling damage my indicator levers?

Sometimes I don't want my indicators to self cancel, so I hold the indicator on while turning the wheel, and it makes a cracking/clicking noise. Am I damaging anything if I do this? EDIT: To clarify,...
George's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Would Pulling the Handbrake Help Remove Brake Rotor Rust?

The car is a Nissan Almera (N15) -99 with a 1.6 L gasoline engine. It has been standing still for over a year and some rust has developed on the brake rotors. The car has been standing under a roof ...
Bengi's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Vehicle light problems 101 (2000 buick century)

How can make really dim brights brighter. And the dash light doesn't turn on (the prnd and mileage lights). I've jumped my car once when it died and they all turned on but they never did after that....
user36537's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Couldn't Get the Axle Out

I wanted to replace the boots on my 99 Almera MTX ( same as the Sentra ) and I got all the way to the point of pulling the axle out of the tranny but I couldn't get it out. I tried to pry it out with ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

headlights come on by themselves when car sitting in sun

if sitting in the sun on a hot day, my family's 1995 Mazda protege 323's headlights will come on, even though they are not switched on. This occurs with the car off, and the keys out. The simple way ...
Michael Wilson's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Battery light on after new alternator

Car: 2003 Honda Civic Si G1Wh dash cam, 400w amp, 4300k HIDs My alternator failed badly (stereo cutting off), no battery light. Replaced it with a reman Duralast, battery light is on. It shows 14.5v ...
Coletrane's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to replace front fog light housing on a Corsa C 2005

I need to replace my front fog light housing before my MOT as it's completely ruined. What is the best way to do this? DO I need to take the entire bumper off? The image below is what I'm ...
Andy Holmes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Snap on flashlight lockout mode

I'm looking into a snap-on light, and it features a "lockout mode". Does anyone know what it is?
Alex Volpe's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

My low beams don't work

My low beams on my 2007 Honda Accord are out. The high beams work, the day lights work, Just the lows don't work. I have changed both bulbs. I have checked all fuses and all relays and they are all ...
James's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Why are taillights usually colored red?

Why do taillights usually use red glass? And why are the indicator lights usually with yellow/orange glass?
WedaPashi's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

engine light is blinking now

My car had no oil in it. I went and got the oil changed, and it was running better .I filled the gas tank up and then all of a sudden the engine light started blinking and it did not have power ,like ...
sandy's user avatar
  • 31
4 votes
1 answer

Utility trailer lights issue

My small utility trailer has sit here for more than a year. Now I found its lights don't work anymore. I used my multimeter to test the four wire harness and find the following: Connect any other ...
peterboston's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mercedes Benz- Atego truck indicator lamp not working

My Mercedes Benz Atego hit a cow and the right corner head lamp and indicator plus grill got damaged. I replaced the parts but now the right indicators have stopped working. What could be wrong and ...
geofrey's user avatar
  • 21
3 votes
1 answer

CanBus - monitoring

My Volvo (2002) uses CANBus to monitor various lamps (I assume its current that's monitored). I intend to splice into one of the headlamps and one of the sidelamps and use those live feeds to dim (...
YorkshireDave's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Brake Lights Won't go On, Tail Lights Won't go Off

I noticed that my tail lights stay on even with no keys in the ignition, but that my brake lights have stopped working. Also, my left turn signal blinks double speed. When I remove the fuse for the ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

How does a lightbulb with two filaments know which one to light up?

I need to replace the taillight/brake light on my car, and it's a bulb with two filaments (known as 12V P21/5W - see pic) My car has two taillights on each side. A standard 5W bulb for the top half, ...
cantsay's user avatar
  • 191
1 vote
1 answer

Repair broken light connector on Volvo 240

So I tried to replace the broken corner light assembly on my '92 Volvo 240 last night. On the old unit, the gray connector (pictured in link) was stuck, and eventually pulled free with part of the ...
anon01's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

VW T4: Which spare bulbs do I need to carry with me?

In some European countries, such as Croatia, you're required to carry a set of spare bulbs for all lights required by law with you. Since I'm not that much into cars, I'm really unsure what spare ...
RoflcoptrException's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Engine jerking and revving, multiple failed ignition coils

This problem started a month ago. My Aveo started revving and jerking when it was sitting at a light on my way home (2 blocks from my house) and the engine light came on. I drove it home. The next ...
Aveo Owner's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Dash Lights and Headlight Angle Adjust Stop Working

I have a 99 Nissan Almera on which the horn was replaced a few days ago and I just noticed that the dashboard lights and the headlight angle adjuster are no long working. A more powerful aftermarket ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Oil Pressure Sensor Leak

I have a 99 Nissan Almera w/ GA16DE engine and there is a small oil leak from the oil pressure sensor and also from the oil pan gasket it seems. They both seem to be just a few drops here and there, ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

How do you test analogue electrical circuits?

When trying to diagnose problems with conventional analogue electrical circuits, such as lights, speakers, heated rear windows, etc, as well as short-circuits and unexplained current draws, it can be ...
Nick C's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Fluid Leak Near The Power Steering Pump

When I took my 99 Nissan Almera in for a pre inspection check and they put it up on the lift one thing we saw was a redish fluid leak from the steering column area. They indicated to me that it was ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Do I need to change these struts?

I just took my car ( 99 Nissan Almera ) in for a pre-inspection check and the mechanic said both struts have to be completely replaced because what appear to be rubber / plastic dust shields at the ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Manual Transmission Grinding Occasionally Shifting Into Fifth

I have a 99 Nissan Almera which occasionally grinds / doesn't engage when I try and put it into fifth gear. Not often, but maybe once or twice a day. I'm not sure if the problem is operator related, ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to add Fog Lamps to Maruthi Suzuki Alto 800

I have a Suzuki Alto 800 lxi 2015 model and I would like to add Fog lamps for that, which is does not come with this model. But the Alto K10 has it. So I would like to modify it. Can I do that ? and ...
Umanda's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Intermittent instrument panel light & windshield wiper failure

When I drive at night in the rain, sometimes both my instrument panel lights and wipers go out at the same time, seemingly randomly. What would likely cause this? Could it be a problem with the ...
Isaac's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Central Locking Help: Why are there 3 wires for each door lock?

Tl;Dr: I want my hazards to flash with the central locking. I need to wire them up together with a diode to each side (left and right). The central locking has 3 wires My questions are: Does anyone ...
George's user avatar
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Hooking up daytime running lights on my vehicle using relays

I am looking to run my 2006 Honda Ridgeline's daytime running lights on 50% power, or close to it, on the accessory wire. When I turn my park lights, head lights, or brights on, I would like them to ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Adding aftermarket backup lights

I have a 2011 Ford F-150 Super Cab STX, I find the original backup lights are lacking in lighting up the path I need to drive in reverse, the brake lights do a better job. I already tried replacement ...
Jack's user avatar
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One tail light stays on. 2006 Jeep Cherokee [closed]

Why would this happen? It killed my battery.
Marc's user avatar
  • 21
4 votes
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Strange electrical issue with after market brake lights

I've got a 1991 Jeep Wrangler. About 3 years ago I put LED brake lights on. They worked great until just a couple days ago, when the drivers side stopped working. Shortly after, they started working ...
jeff's user avatar
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