Questions tagged [fuel-stabilizer]

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How does fuel stabilizer work chemically?

I frequently use fuel stabilizer in my lawn tractors when storing them over winter, and have found it actually fairly effective. I have also remarked that I am able to store gas much longer and have ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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Putting the wrong fuel stabilizer in a motorbike

Say that a friend had been silly enough to skim the text on the bottle of fuel additive, before mixing it into a full tank of fuel for his 40'000 km kawazaki z750. And say that it turned out this ...
Dugas's user avatar
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Fuel stabilizer - marine or regular

I had a small engine mechanic acquaintance who seemed knowledgeable recommend that I always store my equipment full of fuel treated with Marine STA-BIL as opposed to regular storage STA-BIL. After ...
Frank Henard's user avatar