Questions tagged [cd2]

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16 votes
5 answers

Oil burning smell and slow oil leak

I am wondering what types of issues I am most likely looking at with this; My 2003 Ford Escape (V6) has an increasingly pronounced burnt oil smell that has developed slowly over a year or so, coupled ...
Andrew Barber's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

2004 Ford Escape battery light comes on intermittently - what likely cause(s) are there?

I have a 2004 Ford Escape Limited on which the battery light has been coming on randomly for varying amounts of time while the vehicle is in active operation. I have checked the battery cables and ...
warren's user avatar
  • 193
4 votes
1 answer

Ford Escape - Loud Brake Sounds in Reverse

2001 Ford Escape. I've recently had some work with the transmission done, but in the past 2 weeks or so, whenever I brake while in reverse, it makes a loud grinding sound. However, I've looked ...
nocley's user avatar
  • 141
3 votes
4 answers

Why does my 2002 Ford Escape go through so many headlight bulbs?

Every 6-8 months, one of the headlight bulbs on my 2002 Ford Escape burns out. I used to replace just the one but usually the other would go within a couple of months. Now, I just replace them both. ...
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