My vehicle manual states I must use Dexron II ATF fluid for my power steering. When I shop around, I often find Dexron IID ATF locally. Can I use this, or must I find something without the D after the II?

NOTE: Vehicle is a 2001 Mitsubishi Pajero/Montero 3.5 GDI.

1 Answer 1


Dexron-II(D) is what you should actually be looking for as technically, you won't find "Dexron-II" because it never truly existed. Dexron-II(C) came out in 1973 and was followed in 1975 by Dexron-II(D). The letter designation is actually the iteration of the Dexron product release. Since your vehicle was made in 2001, they were looking for Dexron-II(D) even though they only stated "Dexron-II".

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