So i was attempting to fix my heater blower but, this is a very odd and panful thing to take apart Anyone know how? i need to get to the rotor to clean it out and get to the stator

Blower Motor

  • In most cases, I don't think these are serviceable. Apr 21, 2022 at 14:00
  • Often these are pressed or riveted together. Remember that these are mass-produced units and are very cost sensitive. So even saving a few $0.01 on each adds up. A common cause of failure in many motors is an open-circuit in one of the windings. That is very difficult to repair since you will lack the tools to re-wind it after replacing the wire. You may be better off just getting a replacement. A junkyard should yield you a salvage one if you're on a budget.
    – jwh20
    Apr 21, 2022 at 14:57
  • @jwh20 I have the equipment, and if powered directly by the brushes it spins (found out after posting this) I just need to get to the terminal wire behind the casing Apr 21, 2022 at 16:14


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