I have a ford focus mk2 2006 1.6l petrol/gasoline hatchback, manual. This morning i was driving normally but the car wouldnt go up 40km/h in any gear no matter how hard i pressed the gas pedal the rpm stayed fixed. On top of that there was a burning smell.
I parked the car for a second and drove it again and there was no problem after. But the burning smell got me concerned.
Any idea what could be the cause of this problem. Thank you.
For information the dashboard didnt show anything.
Update: i checked with a mechanic and we found out that the burning smell was coming from the brakes of the front left wheel. We flushed the breaking oil and it was very dirty. And even that didn't fix the problem. The brakes still getiing stuck for that particular wheel.
It must be something related to the abs or the braking pump. Does anyone has an idea how i can fix this ? Should i flush the abs and braking pump hoes since the oil was very dirty ?
Another Update : The caliper now wont release until i bleed it. does anyone have any idea what could be the cause of the problem ? is it the ABS who is not releasing pressure ? or a bad caliper ?
Thank you in advance.