I rarely use my second car, as a result, the battery often drains too much by the time I need it. I have a slow charge battery pack which works if I want to wait a while to get to the minimum level to turn over, but I wanted something to ensure my car is always ready to go so I purchased a trickle + float charger for my car.
Right now, I am using alligator clips with the hood open because I am concerned about gas/sparks. The charger system I purchased came with permanent clips, but I can't figure out the best way to attach them (they are full circle, not semi-circle). The permanent ones look like they should fit around the screw used to hold the wire clips to the battery terminals. However, when I tried to fully unscrew the nut wouldn't come all the way off and I thought this was by design.
What I would like to do is to charge the battery with the hood fully closed so the kids don't try to reach inside. I was concerned that using alligator clips with the hood closed would be less safe (more likely to spark/combust gases), but I am not sure how to best attach the permanent wiring.
Here are my main questions:
- Is it safe to charge using alligator clips with hood closed? If not, is it safe with the permanent clips (or are these actually only for something more exposed like motorcycle?)
- If I can keep the circle clips connected, it is okay to have the wire sticking out the side of the hood all the time (if it reaches) as long as I put the weather proof cover over?
If not, its not the big a deal for me to pop the trunk and disconnect before I go.
Right now, I only connect alligator clips with the hood open when the kids aren't home and then disconnect. I don't always remember to plug it back in. Appreciate advice on what is safe and best way to setup an easy to connect/disconnect option.
Here is my setup: