I swears when I turn on my van just sitting there I feel a misfire more often than any good person should. In my opinion, I shouldn't be feeling any weird shakin or nothin.
When she's been driven a while... and I stop at a light for a short time, she purrs like a kitten... but when I first turn her on... even if it's after a short stop... sum ain't right.
I usually got a gallon of water sittin close by and I can sees it ripplin with my own eyes so I knows I ain't crazy.
Hooked up one of them fancy new bluetooth odb2 sockets and connected to my phone. paid extra for the ford diagnostics but when I look at the misfire count it dont show nothin - zero. no trouble codes.
Well I lied... during a drive, I've show a max 1 total misfire - one. And one time it was on cylinder 5... and the other time it musta been cylinder 7 or 8 because my diagnostics only goes up to cylinder 6 (which I think is kinda suspect).
As far as the conditions where it happens, I only feel it when the rpm s about 1200 or less and she idles down to 600.
It does seem to be related to whether or not the engine has load on it cuz it happens in park but not in drive... or not even when in park with the AC turned on.
Am I feelin a misfire or not?
If it ain't a misfire then what the heyl is it?