hyundai coupe 2.0 2006.
Battery was fine for few years until it died few months ago. Replaced battery and it died within a month. Replaced that battery with same brand and it died within 2 weeks. Replaced that battery with a more powerful one and that seems to be dying too(im noticing car needs more crank, cabin top lights, dashboard lights, time light flicker on ocassion etc.
everytime i too it to shop they told me the battery was dead but the alternator was fine from their test.
Do you know what might be killing my batteries? I dont have a multimeter at the moment to test but should I take some specific fuses out and see how it runs?
I noticed the stereo(i think its aftermarket with lcd screen) goes off sometimes so i wondered if thats something to do with it. i can see there is a audio fuse which ill try and remove however i also see theres a fuse called 'lp room' i think and it also relates to audio. should i remove that aswell? problem is that i think that fuse is for other things besides audio.
Any other suggestions what I should look at?