My 2006 Ford Expedition 5.3L Triton 3-valve with ~140K miles has a broken spark plug in cylinder #3 (passenger side, 2nd from back). My mechanic tried a well-used puller, but it wouldn't grab. He then tried a brand new puller (like this) ...and it broke too!
Head removal will be ~16 man-hours of labor, so I'm wondering what else can be tried prior to that?
- The tip of the puller is stuck in the spark plug fragment.
- Here's what did come out versus a new plug:
- My mechanic attempted to (carefully) JB Weld his puller back together, but that didn't work.
- I drilled through the puller screw fragment and got it out. I also ruined the head in doing so, as a mechanic used a bore-scope and said essentially "the casing is punctured so a spark plug will never seal".