i have recently got my BMW x3 with 41,000 km on it after running for some time it asked for a oil 1L oil topup so i called BMW dealership and they asked me to get a castrol 5w30 and top it up and i did (the mechanic poured 1.5L oil)
after some more kilometers i had the same problem so i went to a nearby dealership and they topped up BMW twinturbo engine oil and asked me notedown the kilometers
so as expected it asked for a topup again and now i noted the kilometers and i found that it is 1800km interval
i know the oil consumption varies based on the driving pattern , but i dont usually floor the engine , i use the car only for long trips and it always runs in a highway around 120 - 140km/hr
my oilchange is in next 4.7k km so the service engineer advised me to have a engine oil consumption check at the time of oil change , there is no oil leaks he said
does anyone know what the issue might be ?