My gasoline fuel pump no longer works so the gasoline no longer arrive at the engine. I’m only 2Km away from the repair shop which broke my pump, so I’m unwilling to spend more than 100€ in towing over such a short distance.
The car can work on lpg (which is not broken) only fuel provided the engine is hot enough (though that system is here only for efficiency), so it needs to run about 1 minutes before EPIGAS manufactured electronic’s allows using lpg.
Once running on lpg, I should be able to put everything back in place and drive the car normally since the gasoline system is normally switched off…
I’m currently thinking unpluging the gasoline pipe and put it in a jerrycan I would be holding above the engine so gasoline can arrive through gravity to the modified 2SZFE
The problem is I have no idea if this would work nor what and where I should unplug. So I need guidance on how to use the lpg system.