I've recently purchased a 2014 VW Golf. There is a whine that occurs which is directly proportional in noise to the car's speed - so it appears related to the final drive. From what I can determine, at one point there was flat tyre and thus a different tyre was put on the rear. The tyres are both 195-65-15 but different brands. Is it conceivable that extended use of different tyres could cause this? Total mileage atm is 70000 km (43400 miles).
Update: Doh. (face palm). Of course, it has no differential. I've been owning AWD and RWD cars for such a long time. The previous owner (who I never met) has put a non-original tyre on the left rear, whereas the original with plenty of tread is on the right rear. So I am guessing they hit something that damaged the left rear tyre, replaced the original and the impact has damaged the wheel bearing. So i think inspection will be:
- have left rear wheel balanced and tyre checked for damage / unusual wear
- wheel alignment
- inspect for hub bearing damage
- inspect final drive components