I have a 97 Honda CRV that is overheating while standing still. The temp gauge will go up to 3/4 mark and the radiator fan will not turn on. I can turn the A/C on or heat at max and the temp starts dropping.
First I had to fix the temp gauge as that wasn't reading correctly. It is now reading correctly. Both fans turn on with the A/C. The radiator fan turns on when jumped at the connector. Upper and lower radiator hose gets hot. Coolant reservoir is filled to max.
I have replaced: 1. temp gauge sender (gauge wasn't reading right) 2. thermostat (thinking this was the gauge issue) 3. Radiator fan (it was seized) 4. Cooling fan fuse (under hood, I think the seized fan blew it) 5. Coolant/radiator fan switch (twice thinking I got a dud)
Is there anything else I should look into?