So I recently bought a new radio head to substitute my older one, everything went smooth and I could install it without problems.
The new one has 2 USB ports, which I am going to pass-through to my cigarettes-lighter-dashboard to have a couple of "OEM-looking" USB ports.
I would like to have the possibility of plugging 2 music sources and/or charge them if they are mobile phones.
Now, since the radio head supports DAB+, I'd have to buy an adapter that would make use of one of those 2 USB, which means that in order to have 2 USB ports in my dashboard, I'd have to split one of the two USB provided by the radio head.
The power output could be not enough to power 2 phones at this point. I would still have the cigarettes-lighter power outlet, but I would like to avoid swapping plugs to an cig.lighter-to-USB adapter only to charge a phone.
Is there any way I can get 3 USB from the 2 provided by the radio head, without losing any power?