My wheel lock key socket has broken and I am no longer able to remove the lug nuts from my wheel. I tried looking up the model and size of my wheel, but I am having no luck identifying the replacement key.
Here is some information about the key:
1) The wheel was installed on a 2000 Nissan Sentra, 1.8 2) It was installed at the same time I had new "Vtec monoblock" wheels installed. I believe they are 16". I want to say that the wheel locks came with the wheel, but since I had a tire shop install them, I am not sure. 3) The wheel lock key has 7 bumps, and 7 grooves on the inside 4) The wheel lock key has the number "10" as the only identifying mark.
I am sorry if this is sounding like a shopping question, but I am out of ideas. Can anyone help me find a replacement?