Olds Alero '03 has a broken left front window regulator. The window motor's OK.
This would make it the third time this part failed; different shops did both repairs, and I'm wondering if poor quality replacement parts may not have played a role, i.e. an OEM using a plastic that oxidizes and becomes brittle.
Online vendors offer several brands of regulators, (Delco, Dorman, Cardone, ReplaceXL, etc.), at varying prices. I don't know which, if any, is better, or which if any has better odds on being better.
Non subjective questions:
- Without considering price, are there any objective parts build quality reputation brand rankings out there?
- What exists in the way of:
- publicly available analytical data on brand quality, (i.e. strength of materials, MTBFs, etc.), arrived at by reproducible testing with rigorous controls,
- or statistical sales data on rate of returns by brand,
- or customer polling of satisfaction by brand.