The only two things we can say for sure are:
- These scratches were caused by something harder than the paint, and
- The thing that caused these scratches moved in the direction of the scratches.
Beyond that it's whatever you feel like imagining that meets those constraints. We can't even say if these scratches happened at the same time or not.
You can rule things out from this. For example, it wasn't, say, fingernails (too soft, real nails I mean). And it wasn't, say, a powered random orbit sander (not circular enough).
Only you know the quirks of your particular environment, so your guess based on what you usually see in that area is better than anything anybody else can provide. I mean, maybe you did it carrying cleaning buckets around or something and didn't notice.
If you want to minimize future risk, the best you can do is leave it in a secure garage and/or cover the vehicle when you park it, and even then there are no guarantees, you cannot predict what essentially random events will result in scratches on your vehicle in the future (maybe some debris finds its way under your car cover, for example).
Your true best bet is to fix the scratches on your own. By doing this, you'll learn something, you'll save money, and it'll be kinda fun and definitely satisfying. That way, you can deal with inevitable future scratches without losing sleep over it, as they are now an easily correctable problem instead of a big deal. You can't control the environment but you can certainly control your response.
I'd just stop trying to guess, you will never know unless somebody comes back and leaves a note or something, which, not going to happen, realistically. Where I am (in a crowded city) scratches are just an every day event, I'd go nuts if I tried to guess what caused every one.