Decided to spend time w/my newly-met dad and do an oil change together on my 2014 Impreza Sport. I told him i want to do the work, myself, with his support. I'm fairly confident and have watched some youtube videos, but the manual does not specify steps (only to take to an authorized service center, which I did before and didn't like doing).
Here's what I've gathered - did I miss anything?
Also, do I need to "prime" the new filter, in any way (fill w/oil, smear oil on rim, something about a filter gasket...)? One video said yes (WRX); another didn't mention it ('15 impreza). EDIT: the filter instructs to wipe film of oil on filter gasket, says nothing of filling w/oil.
- loosen oil filter (under hood, at top), keep in place
- remove oil fill spout cap
- jack up (or low-profile ramps), and safety jack
- underneath: 17mm wrench, remove pan plug & washer, have low-profile oil catchment ready, drain oil, wipe plug, change washer
- release jacks, drains further, clean dipstick
- remove filter, carefully wipe filter landing pad (so nothing drops in), (EDIT: wipe film of oil onto new filter gasket), replace filter (etc?)
- jack up, safety jack, replace oil pan plug & washer (not too tight!)
- fill w/ 0w-20 synth oil, exact am't (5.1qts)
- wait 10 mins, check level w/dipstick
- if ok, replace oil fill plug
- run engine a few mins before driving
I'm a frequent web user and have worked on past (very old) cars; however, new to asking on stackexchange and working on this car. Pls excuse noob missteps. (Like how the first LI is not aligned properly - was either that or no "listing format" at all)
TIA :)