My transmission gets these odd slips every once in a while. For example,
today I was driving slow through town, I believe in second gear, and my foot was very light on the pedal. As I release the pedal, It feels like the computer thinks I am want to slow down rather than coasting, and it will initiate a downshift(I think)
The problem though, is that i may be coasting, and I put my foot back on the pedal right as the computer decides to downshift, and this can cause a slip.
I dont know that this is going on, but thats what it feels like. Is this normal? Its a 4 speed, corolla 2012. It feels like it thinks I want to slow down, but then tried put my foot back on the pedal accelerate at the exact moment of the downshift.
Other Than the miscalculation, it drives fine. Im just worried about whether its my driving style, or the transmission, or the transmisson computer.
Has anyone else had this problem?